Cytogenetics Transcription Eukaryotes Rna Polymerases Online Exam Quiz

Cytogenetics Transcription Eukaryotes Rna Polymerases GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Cytogenetics Transcription Eukaryotes Rna Polymerases. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Cytogenetics Transcription Eukaryotes Rna Polymerases

Prokaryotes have 1 RNA polymerase. How many RNA polymerases are there in eukaryotes?


A : 2

B : 3

C : 4

D : None

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If you consider a transcribing RNA pol II with a transcript as small as 30 bases, which serine residue in its CTD will be phosphorylated?


A : 2

B : 5

C : 7

D : None

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How many of eukaryotic RNA polymerase subunits are common for all three polymerases?


A : 3

B : 5

C : 10

D : 7

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In what sequence are the serine residues in RNA pol II phosphorylated?


A : 5->2->7

B : 2->5->7

C : 2->7->5

D : 7->2->5

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RPA 2 is one of the larger subunits of RNA polymerase in eukaryotes. It is homologous to the prokaryotic _____________


A : Alpha subunit

B : Beta subunit

C : Beta prime subunit

D : Omega subunit

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Which RNA polymerase can bind CBP?


A : I

B : II


D : None

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You designed an antibody against phosphorylated CTD of RNA polymerase II. Then you use a DNA fragment with lac operon and try to immunoprecipitate the RNA pol II. What will be the expected result?


A : Moderate concentration of RNA pol II will precipitate

B : RNA pol II that precipitated will be contaminated with pol III

C : High amount of RNA pol II will precipitate

D : No RNA pol II will precipitate

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In an experiment you add growing concentration of the alpha amanitin. What will be the sequence in which RNA polymerases are affected if at all?


A : Pol I -> pol III , pol II unaffected

B : pol I->pol I ->pol III

C : pol III->pol II -> pol I

D : pol II -> pol III , pol I unaffected

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In a Drosophila polytene chromosome just before molting you add green labelled antibody against unphosphhorylated RNA pol II CTD and red labelled antibody against phosphorylated RNA pol II CTD. These give fluorescence on adding the respective substrates. What will be the colour in gene 74 EF and 75 B?


A : Red

B : Green

C : Yellow

D : Magenta

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You isolate the nucleolus from the nucleus and performed a density gradient centrifugation with the extract. Then you check the different for the RNA polymerase activity of the different segment. Which RNA polymerase would you expect to find in abundance?


A : RNA pol I

B : RNA pol II

C : RNA pol III

D : RNA pol IV

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