Cytogenetics Silencing Genomic Imprinting Online Exam Quiz

Cytogenetics Silencing Genomic Imprinting GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Cytogenetics Silencing Genomic Imprinting. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Cytogenetics Silencing Genomic Imprinting

Genomic imprinting in autosomes is seen in _________________ percent of the genes.


A : 100%

B : 50%

C : 25%

D : <1%

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In mice if you delete the Igf2 gene from a female, the progeny will_____________


A : Be smaller

B : Die

C : No major change

D : Be larger

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Which of the following doesn’t agree with XIST?


A : It codes for an mRNA that coats the inactive X chromosome into a bar body

B : It is the only gene that is active in inactive X chromosome

C : The embryo cells shows that maternal allele XIST is active over paternal

D : Inactivation is seen in somatic cells

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Choose the wrong statement from the following.


A : Maternal Igf2 is methylated to prevent expression

B : Paternal H19 is methylated to avoid expression

C : The enhancer can lead to expression of H19 in maternal gene

D : The enhancer can’t lead to expression of Igf2 in paternal gene

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In Igf2 of human ______________ allele is expressed, and Igfr of mice __________ allele is expressed.


A : Maternal, maternal

B : Paternal, paternal

C : Maternal, paternal

D : Paternal, maternal

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Choose the wrong statement in the regulation of imprinting.


A : Methylation of the C residues are seen in the CpG islands

B : The methylation prevents binding of the RNA polymerase

C : Genes are methylated at random

D : Deletion of gene with methylated CpG islands will have no effect

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In Angelman syndrome we don’t see___________


A : Microcephaly

B : Speech impairment

C : Overeating urge

D : Unprovoked laughter

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During _________________ both the H19 alleles are ___________________


A : Oogenesis, inactivated

B : Oogenesis, activated

C : Oogenesis, hyper-activated

D : Spermatogenesis, activated

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When the specific non-imprint gene from the chromosome 15 of the mother s missing it leads to _________________


A : Pader Willi syndrome

B : Angelman syndrome

C : Down’s syndrome

D : Klinefelter syndrome

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Differential expression of the genetic material depending on its parentage of inheritance gives____________


A : Penetrance

B : Expressivity

C : Imprinting

D : Non-penetrance

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