Cytogenetics Sex Linked Inheritance Online Exam Quiz

Cytogenetics Sex Linked Inheritance GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Cytogenetics Sex Linked Inheritance. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Cytogenetics Sex Linked Inheritance

What is the probability that the son of a color blind father would be color blind?


A : 0

B : 1/4

C : 1/2

D : 1

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A colorblind mother and a normal father give birth to a Klinefelter child with normal vision. Where do you think the non-disjunction has taken place?


A : 1st meiotic division of mother

B : 2nd meiotic division of the father

C : 2nd meiotic division of mother

D : 1st meiotic division of father

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Genes which are present in the homologous region of X and Y chromosomes are called______________


A : Autosomal

B : Sex linked

C : Partially sex linked

D : Unlinked

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An X linked recessive gene would appear to __________________


A : Be expressed in both males and females equally

B : Skip generations

C : Be lethal

D : Gradually degrade

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Choose the odd one out.


A : Color blindness

B : Haemophilia

C : Duchenne muscular dystrophy

D : Faulty tooth enamel

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Which of the following is partially sex linked?


A : Complete colorblindness

B : Hypertrichosis

C : Faulty tooth enamel

D : Haemophilia

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Y linked inheritance is _______________ inheritance.


A : Criss cross

B : Straight

C : Loop

D : Jumping

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Which of the following is a Y linked gene?


A : Faulty dental enamel

B : Haemophilia

C : Hypertrichosis

D : Phenyl ketone urea

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A Y linked gene ___________________


A : Is expressed only when homozygous

B : Is present near the telomere of long arm in human

C : Is carried by mother

D : Expressed only in men

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If colorblindness was a dominant trait, which of the following would not be true?


A : It would be expressed in heterozygous females

B : It would be expressed in males

C : It would never be turned off

D : It would not skip generations

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