Cytogenetics Site Specific Recombination Online Exam Quiz

Cytogenetics Site Specific Recombination GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Cytogenetics Site Specific Recombination. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Cytogenetics Site Specific Recombination

Site specific reaction between two circular plasmids could result in__________________


A : A single circular chromosome

B : Two recombinant circular chromosomes

C : One recombinant linear chromosome and another circular

D : Two recombinant linear chromosomes

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Which of the following is an example of site specific recombination?


A : Conjugation in bacteria

B : Lysogeny in lambda phage

C : Transformation in bacteria

D : Lytic cycle in phage

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Which one of these is a cis factor in site specific recombination?


A : Cre

B : Int

C : LoxP

D : Flp

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Integration of the phage into bacterial genome requires__________________


A : Integrase and XIS

B : Integrase and IHF

C : XIS and IHF

D : XIS and FIS

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Excision of the lamda phage genome from bacterial genome requires IHF and _______________


A : Integrase from phage and XIS from bacteria

B : FIS from phage and XIS from bacteria

C : FIS from phage and INT from bacteria

D : XIS from phage and FIS from bacteria

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If there is 8 bp sequence flanking oppositely oriented 13bp symmetry elements like LoxP, what will be the fate of it after recombination?


A : It will be excised out

B : It will be inverted

C : It will be broken in the middle

D : It will be inserted in another region

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If there is a flanking region between two similarly oriented LoxP sequence, what will be its fate on site-specific recombination?


A : It will remain as it is

B : It will be inserted

C : It will be excised out

D : The regions surrounding it will be exchanged

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Site specific recombination is not used in__________________


A : Life cycle for lamda phage

B : Expression of specific genes during specific stage of development

C : Promotion of programmed DNA rearrangements in embryonic development

D : Recombination repair

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What is the level of sequence homology required for site specific recombination?


A : Only homologous chromosomes participate

B : A homologous stretch of 3-5 kb

C : A homologous stretch of 20-200bp

D : No sequence homology necessary

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Which of the following is a must for site-specific recombination reaction?


A : Resolvase

B : Ligase

C : Rejuvinase

D : Recombinase

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