Cytogenetics Transcription Prokaryotes Initiation Online Exam Quiz

Cytogenetics Transcription Prokaryotes Initiation GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Cytogenetics Transcription Prokaryotes Initiation. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Cytogenetics Transcription Prokaryotes Initiation

The catalytic unit of RNA polymerases when placed properly during initiation is just over _________


A : -1 site

B : 0 site

C : +1 site

D : – 10 site

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Which part of sigma factor associates with -10box?


A : 1.2

B : 2.4

C : 4.4

D : 4.2

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What is the direction in which the transcript produced by RNA polymerase grows?


A : 3’->5’ direction on 3’->5’ strand

B : 5’->3’ direction on 5’->3’ strand

C : 3’->5’ direction on 5’->3’ strand

D : 5’->3’ direction on 3’->5’ strand

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In an experiment, you wanted to see which mutation will have worse effect on transcription. In the 1st set you deleted 94 amino acids from the C-terminus and in the 2nd set you replace the 265th C-terminal arginine to cystine. Which in your opinion will have the worst effect?


A : 94 amino acid mutant

B : 265th amino acid mutant

C : Both will have similar negative effect

D : No visible effect on rate of transcription

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Which of these is the 1st event to take place during transcription initiation?


A : Formation of a closed initiation complex

B : Formation of open initiation complex

C : Formation of absorptive transcript

D : Promoter clearance

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In an experiment you mutate the consensus sequence at the -10 box. You observe the rate of transcription reduces. Now you make complementary mutation to the sigma factor. What will you observe?


A : Further decrease in transcription rate

B : Increase in transcription rate

C : Original transcription rate

D : Increase in rate of random transcription

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In an experiment you use RNA polymerase without its sigma factor for transcription. What will be the result that you observe?


A : More transcription

B : Less transcription

C : More specific transcription

D : More random transcription

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Which protein mentioned below can reverse central dogma?


A : Ribosome

B : Restriction Endonuclease

C : Reverse Transcriptase

D : RNA Polymerase

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You wanted to isolate active RNA polymerase (with a part of the transcript associated with it ) from cellular mix. For this, you perform an immunoprecipitation with anti sigma antibody. Then you check the precipitate. What will you observe?


A : RNA polymerase with transcript

B : RNA polymerase without transcript

C : Only antibody

D : DNA with associated RNA polymerase and a transcript

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In an experiment you add increasing amount of sigma factor to a mixture of DNA fragment and core polymerase in vitro. You also add [14C]ATP and [?-32P]ATP in the mixture and check the rate of incorporation. Results show that the incorporation of both of this labels increase on adding more sigma factor. What will you conclude from your observation?


A : Sigma confers specificity and increases transcription rate

B : Sigma increases initiation and elongation rate

C : Sigma increases initiation of transcription rate

D : Sigma causes faster elongation

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