Compilers Transformation From Nfa Dfa 1 Online Exam Quiz

Compilers Transformation From Nfa Dfa 1 GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Compilers Transformation From Nfa Dfa 1. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Compilers Transformation From Nfa Dfa 1

Regular expression a/b denotes which of the following set?


A : {a}

B : {€,a,b}

C : {a,b}

D : {ab}

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What is the relation between NFA-accepted languages and DFA accepted languages?


A : >

B : <

C : =

D : <=

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Which behaviour of a NFA can be stimulated by DFA?


A : Always

B : Sometimes

C : Never

D : Depends on NFA

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In regular expressions, the operator ‘*’ stands for?


A : Concatenation

B : Selection

C : Iteration

D : Addition

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Can a DFA simulate NDFA?


A : No

B : Yes

C : Sometimes

D : Depends on NDFA

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Find the wrong statement?


A : The language accepted by finite automata are the languages denoted by regular expression

B : Every DFA has a regular expression denoting its language

C : For a regular expression r, there does not exists NDFA with L® ant transit that accept

D : None of the mentioned

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For any DFA state {qi,qj…qm} If some qj is a final state in the NFA Then {qi,qj…qm}, is a final state in the DFA.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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