Compilers Test Online Exam Quiz

Compilers Test GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Compilers Test. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Compilers Test

The set of all strings over ? = {a,b} in which all strings having bbbb as substring is?


A : (a+b)* bbbb (a+b)*

B : (a+b)* bb (a+b)*bb

C : bbb(a+b)*

D : bb (a+b)*

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Which of the following regular expression denotes zero or more instances of an a or b?


A : a/b

B : (a/b)*

C : (ab)*

D : a*Ib

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The set of all strings over ? = {a,b} in which strings consisting a’s and b’s and ending with in bb is?


A : ab

B : a*bbb

C : (a+b)* bb

D : All of the mentioned

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The set of all strings over ? ={a,b} in which a single a is followed by any number of b’s a single b followed by any number of a’s is?


A : ab* + ba*

B : ab*ba*

C : a*b + b*a

D : None of the mentioned

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The string (a)|((b)*(c)) is equivalent to ______________


A : Empty

B : abcabc

C : b*c|a

D : None of the mentioned

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Which of the following identity is true?


A : ? + RR* = R* = ? + R*R

B : (R1R2)*R1 = R1 (R2R1)*

C : R*R* = R*

D : All of the mentioned

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If L1 and L2 are regular languages is/are also regular language(s).


A : L1 + L2

B : L1L2

C : L1

D : All of the mentioned

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If P, Q, R are three regular expressions and if P does not contain a then the equation R = R + RP has a unique solution given by?


A : R = QP*

B : R = P*Q

C : R = RP

D : None of the mentioned

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Regular expressions are used to represent which language?


A : Recursive language

B : Context free language

C : Regular language

D : All of the mentioned

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