Energy Management Desert Ecosystems Online Exam Quiz

Energy Management Desert Ecosystems GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Energy Management Desert Ecosystems. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Energy Management Desert Ecosystems

In which of the following place we can find the cold deserts?


A : Bangalore

B : Chennai

C : Himalaya

D : Rajasthan

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Why Rann of Kutch attracts aquatic birds in monsoon season?


A : Because desert land is converted to forest land

B : Because desert land is converted to snow

C : Because desert land do not convert

D : Because desert land is converted to salt marshes

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Which of the following tribe protected trees from several generation in Rajasthan?


A : Bishnoi

B : Papadi

C : Korvanji

D : Gudus

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How can desert ecosystems be conserved?


A : By minimizing the human activity

B : By pouring water to desert area

C : By deforestation

D : By killing organisms

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What kind of climate we can find in the Thar desert?


A : Cold

B : Dry

C : Cool

D : Moist

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For what purpose areas of scanty vegetation is used?


A : Grazing

B : Farming

C : Water storage

D : To generate wind power

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Where can we see Indira Gandhi Canal?


A : Gujarat

B : Rajasthan

C : Punjab

D : Haryana

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Where can we find babul tree?


A : In deserts ecosystems

B : In river deltas

C : In grassland ecosystems

D : In semi-arid ecosystems

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Which kind of soil we can found on the surface of Thar desert?


A : Rocky

B : Moist

C : Fertile

D : Aeolian

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Which is the biggest desert in the world including both hot and cold deserts?


A : Sahara

B : Arctic

C : Arabian

D : Antarctica

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