Energy Management Consumers Online Exam Quiz

Energy Management Consumers GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Energy Management Consumers. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Energy Management Consumers

What is another name for tertiary consumers?


A : Decomposers

B : Producers

C : Herbivores

D : Apex predators

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What is the food habitant of secondary consumers?


A : Feed on primary consumers

B : Depends on tertiary consumers

C : Produce their own energy

D : Eat dead animals

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On what category consumers are classified into?


A : Herbivore

B : Carnivore

C : Omnivore

D : Herbivore, carnivore, omnivore and scavenger

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What is called for an organism that feeds on other organisms?


A : Insects

B : Consumer

C : Producer

D : Herbivore

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How many types of secondary consumers are there?


A : One

B : Two

C : Three

D : Four

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How many types of consumers are there?


A : One

B : Two

C : Three

D : Four

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What does a primary consumer eat?


A : Plants

B : Decomposers

C : Small animals

D : Large animals

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To which category ‘Hawk’ can be classified?


A : Primary consumer

B : Secondary consumer

C : Tertiary consumer

D : Quaternary consumer

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To which classification predators are classified?


A : Primary consumer

B : Secondary consumer

C : Tertiary consumer

D : Tertiary producer

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A consumer that feeds on other animals are known as carnivores.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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