Database Quiz Online Exam Quiz

Database Quiz GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Database Quiz. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Database Quiz

Any recursive view must be defined as the union of two subqueries: a _______ query that is nonrecursive and a __________ query.


A : Base, recursive

B : Recursive, Base

C : Base, Redundant

D : View, Base

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The command ________________ such tables are available only within the transaction executing the query and are dropped when the transaction finishes.


A : Create table

B : Create temporary table

C : Create view

D : Create label view

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Ranking of queries is done by which of the following?


A : Group by

B : Order by

C : Having

D : Both Group by and Order by

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The __________ function that does not create gaps in the ordering.


A : Intense_rank()

B : Continue_rank()

C : Default_rank()

D : Dense_rank()

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Inorder to simplify the null value confusion in the rank function we can specify


A : Not Null

B : Nulls last

C : Nulls first

D : Either Nulls last or first

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If there are n tuples in the partition and the rank of the tuple is r, then its ________ is defined as (r ?1)/(n?1).


A : Ntil()

B : Cum_rank

C : Percent_rank

D : rank()

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The functions which construct histograms and use buckets for ranking is


A : Rank()

B : Newtil()

C : Ntil()

D : None of the mentioned

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In rank() function if one value is shared by two tuples then


A : The rank order continues as counting numbers

B : The rank order continues by leaving one rank in the middle

C : The user specifies the order

D : The order does not change

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