Automata Theory Campus Interviews Online Exam Quiz

Automata Theory Campus Interviews GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Automata Theory Campus Interviews. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Automata Theory Campus Interviews

Which of the following gives a positive result to the pumping lemma restrictions and requirements?


A : {aibici|i>=0}

B : {0i1i|i>=0}

C : {ss|s?{a,b}*}

D : None of the mentioned

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Using pumping lemma, which of the following cannot be proved as ‘not a CFL’?


A : {aibici|i>=0}

B : {ss|s?{a,b}*}

C : The set legal C programs

D : None of the mentioned

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The pumping lemma is often used to prove that a language is:


A : Context free

B : Not context free

C : Regular

D : None of the mentioned

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Which of the following does not obey pumping lemma for context free languages ?


A : Finite languages

B : Context free languages

C : Unrestricted languages

D : None of the mentioned

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Which of the following is called Bar-Hillel lemma?


A : Pumping lemma for regular language

B : Pumping lemma for context free languages

C : Pumping lemma for context sensitive languages

D : None of the mentioned

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Which of the expressions correctly is an requirement of the pumping lemma for the context free languages?


A : uvnwxny

B : uvnwnxny

C : uv2nwx2ny

D : All of the mentioned

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What is the pumping length of string of length x?


A : x+1

B : x

C : x-1

D : x2

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