Cytogenetics Quiz Online Exam Quiz

Cytogenetics Quiz GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Cytogenetics Quiz. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Cytogenetics Quiz

AP endonuclease can cleave the DNA at__________ while AP lyase will cleave the DNA at__________


A : 5’, 3’

B : 3’, 3’

C : 3’, 5’

D : 5’, 5’

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Which of the following is not a function of APE1?


A : 5’->3’ exonuclease

B : Generating nick at 5’ end

C : Generating abasic site

D : Improving fidelity of pol beta

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Which of the following can’t be repaired by BER?


A : Abasic sites

B : Deamination


D : Oxidative damage

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Which of the bond in the nucleotide is broken 1st in BER?


A : Bond between two consequent bases

B : Bond between base and sugar

C : Bond between base and phosphate

D : Bond between two complementary bases

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BER detects wrong bases by __________________


A : Bulges produced in the DNA

B : Strength of bond between the bases

C : Flipping of bases

D : Detected by RNA polymerase stalling

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Which of the DNA polymerase in prokaryotes is responsible for re-synthesizing the stretch in MMR?


A : DNA polymerase Beta

B : DNA polymerase I

C : DNA polymerase II

D : DNA polymerase III

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Which of the following will be seen to resolve the flap in eukaryotic short patch BER?


A : dRPases

B : FEN1

C : Pol Beta

D : APE1

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Which DNA polymerase plays a role in repair synthesis in BER in prokaryotes?


A : Pol I

B : Pol II

C : Pol III

D : Pol IV

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GATC sequence on either side of the mismatch can help in MMR.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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Which factor works in conjugation with FEN1?




C : Pol beta


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