Complex Analysis Roots Complex Numbers Online Exam Quiz

Complex Analysis Roots Complex Numbers GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Complex Analysis Roots Complex Numbers. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Complex Analysis Roots Complex Numbers

For integral x,y,z, find the range of |x+y?+z?2| if it is not true that x=y=z.


A : [1, ?)

B : [?3, ?)

C : (0, ?3)

D : (0, ?)

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Find the value of (1+?)(1+?2)(1+?4)(1+?8)…to 2n factors.


A : 1

B : 2

C : 3

D : 4

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Let ? and ?2 be the non-real cube roots of unity and 1/(a+?)+1/(b+?)+1/(c+?)=2?2 and 1/(a+?2)+1/(b+?2)+1/(c+?2)=2?, then calculate 1/(a+1)+1/(b+1)+1/(c+1).


A : 1

B : 2

C : 3

D : 4

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Which of the following is not equal to (-1)1/3?


A : -1

B : (-?3+i)/(2i)

C : (?3+i)/(2i)

D : (?3–i)/(2i)

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Find the value of the expression (-1/2+i?3/2)637+(-1/2-i?3/2)337.


A : -1

B : 0

C : 1

D : i

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Find the possible value(s) of Re(i1/2)+|Im(i1/2)|.


A : -1, 1

B : 0, ?2

C : 0, 1

D : 1, ?2

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In the Argand Plane shown below, a,b,c,d are the 4-th roots of 16. Find the area of the closed Polygon having a,b,c,d as its vertices.


A : 2 sq. units

B : 4 sq. units

C : 8 sq. units

D : 16 sq. units

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Let a and b be complex cube roots of unity. If x=7a+2b and y=2a+7b, then evaluate xy.


A : 9

B : 39

C : 45

D : 53

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The nth roots of any number are in ____________


A : arithmetic progression

B : geometric progression

C : harmonic progression

D : no specific pattern

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Find the cube root of 8i lying in the first quadrant of the complex plane.


A : i-?3

B : 2i+?3

C : i+2?3

D : i+?3

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