Complex Analysis Complex Conjugates Online Exam Quiz

Complex Analysis Complex Conjugates GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Complex Analysis Complex Conjugates. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Complex Analysis Complex Conjugates

Let z and ? be complex numbers such that ? has non-zero imaginary part and z?1. If the expression (?-overline{omega}z)/(1-z) is purely real, then find the set of values of z.


A : {z : |z|=1}

B : {z : z=z?}

C : {z : z?1}

D : {z : |z|=1, z?1}

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For a complex number z, if Re(z) and Im(z) are the roots of x2-7x+12=0 and z+z? is one of the roots of x2–10x+16=0, then, find Re(z)-Im(z).


A : 1

B : -1

C : 3

D : -3

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If z and ? are the complex conjugates of each other, then find the value of (lnz+ln?)/ln|z|.


A : 1

B : 2

C : 3

D : 4

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Let z and ? be complex numbers satisfying zz?+?overline{omega}=100. If |z|,|?|?I, then find the minimum possible value of the expression |z+?|.


A : 1

B : 2

C : 3

D : 4

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What is the area of the rectangle whose vertices are the roots of the equation zz?3+z?z3=350, given that Re(z) and Im(z) are integers ?


A : 12

B : 24

C : 36

D : 48

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If the complex numbers (x2-3x+2)+i(y2-11y+40) and (x2-6x+8)+i(y2-9x+10) are conjugates of each other, Then what is the value of |x+iy|?


A : 131/2

B : 191/2

C : 231/2

D : 291/2

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Let two complex numbers z and ? satisfy z > overline{omega}. Find the value of the expression zIm(?)+?Im(z)+z?, if Re(z) and Re(?) are the roots of the equation x2–5x+6.


A : 2

B : 4

C : 6

D : 8

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If a complex number z, with integral real and imaginary parts, satisfies z2+ z?2=16, then find the value of |z|.


A : 21/2

B : 4

C : 81/2

D : 101/2

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Let zz?=64, and ?overline{omega}=36. Find the maximum possible value of |z+?|.


A : 8

B : 10

C : 12

D : 14

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For two complex numbers p and q, if Arg(p)-Arg(q)=?/2 as well as |pq|=1, what is the value of p?q ?


A : -i

B : -1

C : i

D : 1

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