Chemical Process Calculation Process Simulators Online Exam Quiz

Chemical Process Calculation Process Simulators GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Chemical Process Calculation Process Simulators. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Chemical Process Calculation Process Simulators

The input mass in a process simulator is 2 Kg and output mass is ______ Kg.


A : 1

B : 2

C : 3

D : 4

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What is the product enthalpy of 1 mole of the product? The feed of a process simulator is 1 mole with enthalpy 2 J/mole, the heat input is 4 J, and the work performed is 5 J.


A : 1 J/mole

B : 2 J/mole

C : 3 J/mole

D : 5 J/mole

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What is the product enthalpy of a process simulator if the feed is 15 J, the heat input is 10 J, and the work performed is 5 J?


A : 10 J

B : 15 J

C : 20 J

D : 25 J

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Which of the following is a feature of process simulator?


A : Equipment sizing functions

B : Import and export data

C : Scheduling of batch operations

D : All of the mentioned

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________________ is the solution of appropriate process material and energy balances.


A : Flow sheeting

B : Flow processing

C : Flow Solving

D : None of the mentioned

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Process simulator is the computer code used in ________________


A : Flow sheeting

B : Flow processing

C : Flow Solving

D : None of the mentioned

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Calculation of _____________ is the fundamental of flow sheeting codes.


A : Mass balance

B : Mole balance

C : Energy balance

D : None of the mentioned

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While solving a process simulation, required balance is?


A : Material balances

B : Equilibrium relations

C : Energy balances

D : All of the mentioned

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The interconnection equations are for a _____________ model.


A : Mixing

B : Splitting

C : Process

D : All of the mentioned

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The input mass in a process simulator is X Kg and output mass is Y Kg. Then


A : X = Y

B : X > Y

C : X < Y

D : None of the mentioned

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