Chemical Process Calculation Phase Diagrms Phase Rule I Online Exam Quiz

Chemical Process Calculation Phase Diagrms Phase Rule I GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Chemical Process Calculation Phase Diagrms Phase Rule I. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Chemical Process Calculation Phase Diagrms Phase Rule I

A non-condensable gas is found


A : Above the critical point

B : Below the critical point

C : On the critical point

D : None of the mentioned

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Representation of the different phase of a compound on a two or three dimensional graph is


A : Block diagram

B : Equilibrium diagram

C : Phase diagram

D : None of the mentioned

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The change of phase from liquid to vapour is called


A : Boiling

B : Melting

C : Condensation

D : None of the mentioned

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__________ is the temperature at which a liquid just start to vaporize.


A : Critical point

B : Bubble point

C : Triple point

D : Saturation point

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The one P-T-V combination at which solid, liquid and vapour are in equilibrium, is called


A : Critical point

B : Triple point

C : Saturation point

D : None of the mentioned

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______ is the temperature at which the vapour just begins to condense at a specified pressure, that is the value temperature along the vapour pressure curve.


A : Dew point

B : Bubble point

C : Triple point

D : Critical point

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If the vapour and liquid of a pure component are in equilibrium, the equilibrium pressure is called


A : Partial pressure

B : Vapour pressure

C : Liquid pressure

D : None of the mentioned

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Incorrect statement about a phase diagram is


A : Phase diagram are based on equilibrium conditions

B : For phase equilibrium, it is assumed that the phase doesn`t remain invariant

C : Phase diagrams enable to view the properties of two or more phases as a function of temperature, pressure and other variable

D : None of the mentioned

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Find the incorrect statement for condensation


A : The change of phase from vapour to liquid

B : Occurs at constant temperature and pressure

C : The process appears as a point in in a P-T diagram

D : All of the mentioned

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At a given temperature there is only ________ pressure at which the vapour and liquid phases of a pure substances may exist in equilibrium.


A : Three

B : Two

C : One

D : None of the mentioned

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