Bioinformatics Comparative Genomics Online Exam Quiz

Bioinformatics Comparative Genomics GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Bioinformatics Comparative Genomics. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Bioinformatics Comparative Genomics

Which of the following is untrue about Lateral gene transfer?


A : It is also known as vertical gene transfer

B : There is exchange of genetic materials between species

C : It mainly occurs among prokaryotic organisms when foreign genes are acquired through mechanisms

D : It is one of the examples is transformation

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Which of the following is untrue about comparative genomics?


A : It is comparison of whole genomes from different organisms

B : It includes comparison of gene number, gene location, and gene content from these genomes

C : It provides insights into the mechanism of genome evolution and gene transfer among genomes

D : It doesn’t help to reveal the extent of conservation among genomes

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Which of the following is untrue about LAGAN?


A : It stands for Limited Area Global Alignment of Nucleotides

B : It is a web-based program designed for pairwise alignment of small fragments of genomes only

C : It first finds anchors between two genomic sequences using an algorithm that identifies short, exactly matching words

D : Regions that have high density of words are selected as anchors

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A minimal constitutes genome, which is a _____ set of genes required for maintaining a free living cellular organism.


A : maximum

B : maximal

C : highest number of set of

D : minimal

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A way to discern lateral gene transfer is through phylogenetic analysis, referred to as an ‘among-genome’ approach, which can be used to discover __________


A : recent lateral gene transfer events but almost negligible ancient events

B : recent lateral gene transfer events

C : ancient lateral gene transfer events

D : both recent and ancient lateral gene transfer events

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Which of the following is untrue about Whole Genome Alignment?


A : This helps to reveal the presence of conserved functional elements

B : It doesn’t help to understand sequence conservation between genomes

C : It be accomplished through direct genome comparison or genome alignment

D : The alignment at the genome level is fundamentally no different from the basic sequence alignment

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Genes involved in the same metabolic pathway tend to be clustered among phylogenetically diverse organisms.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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Within-Genome Approach is to identify regions within a genome with unusual compositions.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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Coregenes is a web-based program that determines a ________ set of genes based on comparison of ________ small genomes.


A : vast, four

B : core, fifteen

C : core, four

D : vast, fifteen

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Which of the following is untrue about Gene Order Comparison?


A : When the order of a number of linked genes is conserved between genomes, it is called synteny

B : Generally, gene order is much more conserved compared with gene sequences

C : Generally, gene order is much less conserved compared with gene sequences

D : It is in fact rarely observed among divergent species

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