Binary Tree Sort Multiple Choice Mcqs Online Exam Quiz

Binary Tree Sort Multiple Choice Mcqs GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Binary Tree Sort Multiple Choice Mcqs. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Binary Tree Sort Multiple Choice Mcqs

Consider the original array 17 8 12 4 26. How many comparisons are needed to construct the BST on the original array?


A : 5

B : 4

C : 7

D : 10

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Which of the following sorting algorithms can be considered as improvement to the binary tree sort?


A : Heap sort

B : Quick sort

C : Selection sort

D : Insertion sort

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In binary tree sort, we first construct the BST and then we perform _______ traversal to get the sorted order.


A : inorder

B : postorder

C : preorder

D : level order

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What is the best case time complexity of the binary tree sort?


A : O(n)

B : O(nlogn)

C : O(n2)

D : O(logn)

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What is the worst case time complexity of the binary tree sort?


A : O(n)

B : O(nlogn)

C : O(n2)

D : O(logn)

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Binary tree sort is an in-place sorting algorithm.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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