Binary Insertion Sort Multiple Choice Mcqs Online Exam Quiz

Binary Insertion Sort Multiple Choice Mcqs GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Binary Insertion Sort Multiple Choice Mcqs. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Binary Insertion Sort Multiple Choice Mcqs

Which of the following is an adaptive sorting algorithm?


A : binary insertion sort

B : merge sort

C : heap sort

D : selection sort

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Which of the following sorting algorithm is in place?


A : binary insertion sort

B : merge sort

C : radix sort

D : counting sort

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Choose the correct statement regarding binary insertion sort?


A : It has a better time complexity as compared to the standard version

B : It has a better space complexity as compared to the standard version

C : it takes less number of comparisons in the best case as compared to the standard version

D : it takes less number of comparisons in the worst case as compared to the standard version

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Which of the following is an advantage of binary insertion sort over its standard version?


A : it has better time complexity

B : it has better space complexity

C : it makes less number of comparisons

D : it has no significant advantage

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How many comparisons will be made in the worst case when an array of size n will be sorted by using a binary insertion sort algorithm?


A : n

B : 1

C : log n

D : n log n

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What is the auxiliary space complexity of binary insertion sort?


A : O(n)

B : O(1)

C : O(n log n)

D : O(n2)

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What is the best case time complexity of binary insertion sort?


A : O(n)

B : O(n log n)

C : O(n2)

D : O(log n)

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What is the average case time complexity of binary insertion sort?


A : O(n)

B : O(n log n)

C : O(n2)

D : O(log n)

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What is the worst case time complexity of binary insertion sort?


A : O(n)

B : O(n log n)

C : O(n2)

D : O(log n)

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Which of the following sorting algorithm uses a binary search?


A : radix sort

B : binary insertion sort

C : odd-even sort

D : bead sort

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