Avionics Campus Interviews Online Exam Quiz

Avionics Campus Interviews GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Avionics Campus Interviews. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Avionics Campus Interviews

What is the approximate accuracy of laser velocimeter?


A : 1 knot and below

B : 2.5 knots

C : 10 knots

D : 0.14 knots

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The conventional pitot tube cannot be used under______


A : 100 knots

B : 40 knots

C : 2 knots

D : 80 knots

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Device that causes the magnitude of pressure to change when the aircraft speed nears zero are called ______


A : Airspeed indicator

B : Low speed indicators

C : Stall indicators

D : Rotating anemometer

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Why is the static source errors compensated in helicopters?


A : Due to difference in rotor down wash

B : Not economical

C : Requires high computational power

D : Static source error does not matter

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The configuration in which multiple pressure ports are located in the aircraft forebody is called as _____


A : Flush air data system

B : Redundant air data system

C : Multiple port system

D : Nose cone port system

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Which of the following cannot be used to obtain an approximate velocity?



B : Doppler radar system

C : Inertial navigation system

D : Primary radar

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What instrument measures the velocity by Doppler shift from backscatter of aerosol particles?


A : Rotating anemometer

B : Doppler radar

C : Laser velocimeter

D : Laser pitot tube

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What is required to accommodate for the ground effect in swiveling pitot tube below rotor system?


A : Secondary radar

B : Doppler


D : Radio altimeter

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Airspeed measurements can be made by measuring the vortex’s _______


A : Strength

B : Frequency

C : Vorticity

D : Direction

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Which of the following systems use a gimballed pitot tube?


A : Swiveling pitot tube below rotor

B : Omni directional pitot tube

C : Rotating anemometer

D : Rotating pitot tube

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