Engineering Chemistry Multiple Choice Online Exam Quiz

Engineering Chemistry Multiple Choice GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Engineering Chemistry Multiple Choice. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Engineering Chemistry Multiple Choice

Which of the following is intermediate organic species based on carbon formed by photolysis?


A : Carbenes

B : Carbo-cations

C : Carbanions

D : Free radicals

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Which of the following is intermediate organic species based on carbon formed by homolytic fission?


A : Carbenes

B : Carbo-cations

C : Carbanions

D : Free radicals

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Heterolytic fission takes place between two atoms of widely different __________


A : Conductivity

B : Viscosity

C : Electronegtivity

D : All of the mentioned

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The breaking of a covalent bond in such a way that each atom separates with one electron of the shared pair is called __________


A : Homolytic fission

B : Heterolytic fission

C : Monolytic fission

D : Morpholytic fission

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The shape of carbanion is __________


A : Linear

B : Trigonal planar

C : Pyramidal

D : Bent

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The breaking of a covalent bond in such a way that both the electrons of shared pair are carried away by one of atom is called __________


A : Morpholytic fission

B : Monolytic fission

C : Heterolytic fission

D : Homolytic fission

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A covalent bond between two atoms may be broken in different ways depending upon __________


A : Nature of given organic compound

B : Nature of attacking reagent

C : Reaction conditions

D : All of the mentioned

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Triplet carbene is more stable than singlet carbene.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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