Energy Engineering Atomic Structure Online Exam Quiz

Energy Engineering Atomic Structure GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Energy Engineering Atomic Structure. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Energy Engineering Atomic Structure

How much amount of nuclear energy burnt is equivalent to the energy produced by 3000 tonnes of coal?


A : 1kg

B : 5kg

C : 15kg

D : 20kg

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A covalent bond is also called as ____________


A : Atomic bond

B : Metal bond

C : Molecular bond

D : Metal bond

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Number of protons in the nucleus is called ___________


A : Atomic number

B : Mass number

C : Electric charge

D : Periodic number

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The total number of nucleons in the nucleus is called _________


A : Atomic number

B : Mass number

C : Electric charge

D : Periodic number

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Why has nuclear energy become an inevitable option for the development of the country?


A : Because less pollution caused by nuclear plant

B : High efficiency of nuclear energy

C : Due to acute shortage of other sources of energy

D : High cost of energy production of other sources

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The net neutrons produced per initial neutron accounting for all possible losses is called?


A : Bombardment

B : Half life

C : Multiplication factors

D : Covalent bond

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To disrupt a nucleus and separate in into its component nucleons, energy must be supplied from outside and this energy is called?


A : Bonding energy

B : Kinetic energy

C : Binding energy

D : Nuclear energy

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On which law is the nuclear energy explained?


A : Einstein’s law

B : Newton’s law

C : Rutherford law

D : Mendeleev law

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What is the time during which one half of a number of radioactive species decays or one half of their activity ceases?


A : Half Life

B : Super critical state

C : Semi life

D : Critical life

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Identify the element by its Atomic structure.


A : Helium

B : Hydrogen

C : Carbon

D : Oxygen

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