Embedded Systems Experienced Online Exam Quiz

Embedded Systems Experienced GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Embedded Systems Experienced. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Embedded Systems Experienced

Which of the following indicates the type of operation that the master requests?


A : address value

B : initial value

C : terminal count

D : first byte

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Which of the following is efficient for the small number of registers?


A : auto-incrementing counter

B : auto-decrementing counter

C : combined format

D : single format

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Which of the following uses two data transfers?


A : auto-incrementing counter

B : auto-decrementing counter

C : combined format

D : single format

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Which counter selects the next register in the I2C?


A : auto-incrementing counter

B : decrementing counter

C : auto-decrementing counter

D : terminal counter

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Which is an efficient method for the EEPROM?


A : combined format

B : auto-incrementing counter

C : register set

D : single format

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Which of the following can determine if two masters start to use the bus at the same time?


A : counter detect

B : collision detect

C : combined format

D : auto-incremental counter

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How can both single byte and the double byte address slave use the same bus?


A : extended memory

B : extended address

C : peripheral count

D : slave bus

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Which can determine the timeout value?


A : polling

B : timer

C : combined format

D : watchdog timer

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How is bus lockup avoided?


A : timer and polling

B : combined format

C : terminal counter

D : counter

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Which ports are used in the multi-master system to avoid errors?


A : unidirectional port

B : bidirectional port

C : multi directional port

D : tridirectional port

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