Drug Biotechnology Test Online Exam Quiz

Drug Biotechnology Test GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Drug Biotechnology Test. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Drug Biotechnology Test

Which of the following devices are included in Class I devices?


A : Bandages

B : Thermometers

C : Pacemakers

D : Micro ovens

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Which of the following devices are included in Class II devices?


A : Bandages

B : Thermometers

C : Pacemakers

D : Micro ovens

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Which of the following devices are included in Class III devices?


A : Bandages

B : Thermometers

C : Pacemakers

D : Micro ovens

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What are generic drugs?


A : Drugs for poor people

B : Patented products can be manufactured by other companies once the patent is lost

C : These drugs do not need FDA approval

D : These drugs don’t have specific guidelines

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What is meant by OTC drugs?


A : Drugs which are easy to manufacture

B : Drugs which are available without a prescription

C : These drugs do not need FDA approval

D : These drugs don’t have specific guidelines

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What is the full form of the FDA?


A : Federal Agency

B : Food and Drug Administration

C : Food and Drug Agency

D : Food Drug Alliances

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What is meant by the Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations?


A : Followed by manufacturing companies

B : Only followed by MNCs

C : Followed in the labs only

D : Followed only for cosmetics

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For which of the following FDA is not at all responsible?


A : Foods

B : Radiation-emitting devices

C : Cosmetics

D : Vehicles

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What is the full form of GMP?


A : Good manufacturing provisions

B : Good Monitoring prohibitions

C : Good medical practices

D : Good manufacturing practice

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What do the Pediatric Rule states?


A : No drug should be tested on children

B : No separate drug for children

C : Include usage of pediatric use of a product

D : Advertise the pediatric usage

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