Distillation Design Test Online Exam Quiz

Distillation Design Test GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Distillation Design Test. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Distillation Design Test

In Jafarey Equation, N is predicted with an error of


A : ± 2 to 3

B : ± 1 to 2

C : ± 6 to 7

D : Can’t be specified

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Solve the following equation 0.3089R2 – 0.4033R – 0.1242=0?


A : 2.45

B : 1.31

C : 8.9

D : 7.8

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Calculate ln S? If XLK=0.95 and XHK = 0.05 and XL= 0.90 and XH= 0.10, then


A : 6.77

B : 5.142

C : 7.898

D : Can’t be calculated

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Dougles equation is useful for


A : Binary separations

B : Multicomponent separations

C : Tertiary Separations

D : Cant’ be specified

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Jafarey, Dougles and Mcavoy Equation is capable of predicting


A : Column performance

B : Column feed rate

C : Column design

D : Column diameter

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PHK and PLK are also applied in


A : Hengstebeck’s equation

B : Fenske’s equation

C : Gilliland equation

D : Homotomy equation

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The overall column efficiency is defined as


A : Nthoretical/Nactual

B : Nthoretical*Nactual

C : Nthoretical=Nactual

D : Nactual + 1

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PHK stands for


A : Pre Heavy key

B : Pseudo Heavy key

C : Primary Heavy key

D : Pressure Heavy key

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The term PLK stands for


A : Primary left key

B : Pseudo Left key

C : Pseudo light key

D : Pressure light key

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Jafarey Equation is an analytical closed form formula, to calculate


A : Reflux ratio

B : Number of trays

C : Number of stages

D : Number of feeds

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Distillation Design Reflux Stage Relationships

Distillation Design Relaxation Method

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Distillation Design Sumrates Method

Distillation Design Theoretical Stages

Distillation Design Tray Capacity Limits

Distillation Design Tray Flooding Mechanism

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Distillation Design Vapour Liquid Equilibrium