Disjoint Set Data Structure Multiple Choice Mcqs Online Exam Quiz

Disjoint Set Data Structure Multiple Choice Mcqs GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Disjoint Set Data Structure Multiple Choice Mcqs. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Disjoint Set Data Structure Multiple Choice Mcqs

How many strategies are followed to solve a dynamic equivalence problem?


A : 1

B : 2

C : 3

D : 4

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How many properties will an equivalent relationship satisfy?


A : 1

B : 2

C : 3

D : 4

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What is the definition for Ackermann’s function?


A : A(1,i) = i+1 for i>=1

B : A(i,j) = i+j for i>=j

C : A(i,j) = i+j for i = j

D : A(1,i) = i+1 for i<1

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Path Compression algorithm performs in which of the following operations?


A : Create operation

B : Insert operation

C : Find operation

D : Delete operation

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In the Union/Find algorithm, the ranks of the nodes on a path will increase monotonically from?


A : leaf to root

B : root to node

C : root to leaf

D : left subtree to right subtree

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What is the value for the number of nodes of rank r?


A : N

B : N/2

C : N/2r

D : Nr

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What is the depth of any tree if the union operation is performed by height?


A : O(N)

B : O(log N)

C : O(N log N)

D : O(M log N)

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What is the total time spent for N-1 merges in a dynamic equivalence problem?


A : O(N)

B : O(log N)

C : O(N log N)

D : O(M log N)

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What is the worst case efficiency for a path compression algorithm?


A : O(N)

B : O(log N)

C : O(N log N)

D : O(M log N)

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What is the worst-case running time of unions done by size and path compression?


A : O(N)

B : O(logN)

C : O(N logN)

D : O(M logN)

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