Discrete Mathematics Linear Permutation Online Exam Quiz

Discrete Mathematics Linear Permutation GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Discrete Mathematics Linear Permutation. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Discrete Mathematics Linear Permutation

In how many ways can the letters of the word SANFOUNDRY be rearranged such that the vowels always appear together?


A : frac{(8 + 3)!}{2!}

B : frac{6!}{2!}

C : 8!*3!

D : frac{4!}{8!}

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In how many ways can 10 boys be seated in a row having 28 seats such that no two friends occupy adjacent seats?


A : 13P5

B : 9P29

C : 19P10

D : 15P7

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How many substrings (of all lengths inclusive) can be formed from a character string of length 8? (Assume all characters to be distinct)


A : 14

B : 21

C : 54

D : 37

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A number lock contains 6 digits. How many different zip codes can be made with the digits 0–9 if repetition of the digits is allowed upto 3 digits from the beginning and the first digit is not 0?


A : 254307

B : 453600

C : 458760

D : 972340

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How many ways can 8 prizes be given away to 7 students, if each student is eligible for all the prizes?


A : 40325

B : 40320

C : 40520

D : 40720

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How many words that can be formed with the letters of the word ‘SWIMMING’ such that the vowels do not come together? Assume that words are of with or without meaning.


A : 430

B : 623

C : 729

D : 1239

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The number of binary strings of 17 zeros and 8 ones in which no two ones are adjacent is ___________


A : 43758

B : 24310

C : 32654

D : 29803

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Let M be a sequence of 9 distinct integers sorted in ascending order. How many distinct pairs of sequences, N and O are there such that i) each are sorted in ascending order, ii) N has 5 and O has 4 elements, and iii) the result of merging N and O gives that sequence?


A : 84

B : 35

C : 194

D : 138

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14 different letters of alphabet are given, words with 6 letters are formed from these given letters. How many number of words are there which have at least one letter repeated?


A : 892742

B : 999988

C : 213216

D : 786730

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The number of diagonals can be drawn in a hexagon is ______


A : 9

B : 32

C : 16

D : 21

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