Digital Signal Processing Discrete Time Systems Described Difference Equations Online Exam Quiz

Digital Signal Processing Discrete Time Systems Described Difference Equations GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Digital Signal Processing Discrete Time Systems Described Difference Equations. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Digital Signal Processing Discrete Time Systems Described Difference Equations

What is the zero-input response of the system described by the homogenous second order equation y(n)-3y(n-1)-4y(n-2)=0 if the initial conditions are y(-1)=5 and y(-2)=0?


A : (-1)n-1 + (4)n-2

B : (-1)n+1 + (4)n+2

C : (-1)n+1 + (4)n-2

D : None of the mentioned

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What is the impulse response of the system described by the second order difference equation y(n)-3y(n-1)-4y(n-2)=x(n)+2x(n-1)?


A : [-frac{1}{5} (-1)n–frac{6}{5} (4)n]u(n)

B : [frac{1}{5} (-1)n–frac{6}{5} (4)n]u(n)

C : [frac{1}{5} (-1)n+frac{6}{5} (4)n]u(n)

D : [-frac{1}{5} (-1)n+frac{6}{5} (4)n]u(n)

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What is the particular solution of the first order difference equation y(n)+ay(n-1)=x(n) where |a|<1, when the input of the system x(n)=u(n)?


A : frac{1}{1+a} u(n)

B : frac{1}{1-a} u(n)

C : frac{1}{1+a}

D : frac{1}{1-a}

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What is the particular solution of the difference equation y(n)=frac{5}{6}y(n-1)-frac{1}{6}y(n-2)+x(n) when the forcing function x(n)=2n, n?0 and zero elsewhere?


A : frac{1}{5} 2n

B : frac{5}{8} 2n

C : frac{8}{5} 2n

D : frac{5}{8} 2-n

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What is the homogenous solution of the system described by the first order difference equation y(n)+ay(n-1)=x(n)?


A : c(a)n(where ‘c’ is a constant)

B : c(a)-n

C : c(-a)n

D : c(-a)-n

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Zero-state response is also known as ____________


A : Free response

B : Forced response

C : Natural response

D : None of the mentioned

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The solution obtained by assuming the input x(n) of the system is zero is ____________


A : General solution

B : Particular solution

C : Complete solution

D : Homogenous solution

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Zero-input response is also known as Natural or Free response.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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The total solution of the difference equation is given as _______________


A : yp(n)-yh(n)

B : yp(n)+yh(n)

C : yh(n)-yp(n)

D : None of the mentioned

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If the system is initially relaxed at time n=0 and memory equals to zero, then the response of such state is called as ____________


A : Zero-state response

B : Zero-input response

C : Zero-condition response

D : None of the mentioned

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