Digital Circuits Latches Online Exam Quiz

Digital Circuits Latches GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Digital Circuits Latches. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Digital Circuits Latches

The NAND latch works when both inputs are ___________


A : 1

B : 0

C : Inverted

D : Don’t cares

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The SR latch consists of ___________


A : 1 input

B : 2 inputs

C : 3 inputs

D : 4 inputs

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How many types of latches are ___________


A : 4

B : 3

C : 2

D : 5

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Two stable states of latches are ___________


A : Astable & Monostable

B : Low input & high output

C : High output & low output

D : Low output & high input

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Why latches are called memory devices?


A : It has capability to stare 8 bits of data

B : It has internal memory of 4 bit

C : It can store one bit of data

D : It can store infinite amount of data

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The first step of the analysis procedure of SR latch is to ___________


A : label inputs

B : label outputs

C : label states

D : label tables

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A latch is an example of a ___________


A : Monostable multivibrator

B : Astable multivibrator

C : Bistable multivibrator

D : 555 timer

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Latch is a device with ___________


A : One stable state

B : Two stable state

C : Three stable state

D : Infinite stable states

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When a high is applied to the Set line of an SR latch, then ___________


A : Q output goes high

B : Q’ output goes high

C : Q output goes low

D : Both Q and Q’ go high

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When both inputs of SR latches are low, the latch ___________


A : Q output goes high

B : Q’ output goes high

C : It remains in its previously set or reset state

D : it goes to its next set or reset state

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