Data Structure Edit Distance Problem Online Exam Quiz

Data Structure Edit Distance Problem GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Data Structure Edit Distance Problem. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Data Structure Edit Distance Problem

Consider the two strings “”(empty string) and “abcd”. What is the edit distance between the two strings?


A : 0

B : 4

C : 2

D : 3

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Consider the strings “monday” and “tuesday”. What is the edit distance between the two strings?


A : 3

B : 4

C : 5

D : 6

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Which of the following is an application of the edit distance problem?


A : Approximate string matching

B : Spelling correction

C : Similarity of DNA

D : Approximate string matching, Spelling Correction and Similarity of DNA

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Which of the following methods can be used to solve the edit distance problem?


A : Recursion

B : Dynamic programming

C : Both dynamic programming and recursion

D : Greedy Algorithm

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Suppose each edit (insert, delete, replace) has a cost of one. Then, the maximum edit distance cost between the two strings is equal to the length of the larger string.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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The edit distance satisfies the axioms of a metric when the costs are non-negative.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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In which of the following cases will the edit distance between two strings be zero?


A : When one string is a substring of another

B : When the lengths of the two strings are equal

C : When the two strings are equal

D : The edit distance can never be zero

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