Data Structure Counting Boolean Parenthesizations Online Exam Quiz

Data Structure Counting Boolean Parenthesizations GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Data Structure Counting Boolean Parenthesizations. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Data Structure Counting Boolean Parenthesizations

Consider the expression T | F ? T. In how many ways can the expression be parenthesized so that the output is F (false)?


A : 0

B : 1

C : 2

D : 3

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Consider the expression T & F | T. What is the number of ways in which the expression can be parenthesized so that the output is T (true)?


A : 0

B : 1

C : 2

D : 3

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Consider the expression T & F ? T. What is the number of ways in which the expression can be parenthesized so that the output is T (true)?


A : 0

B : 1

C : 2

D : 3

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You are given a boolean expression which consists of operators &, | and ? (AND, OR and XOR) and symbols T or F (true or false). You have to find the number of ways in which the symbols can be parenthesized so that the expression evaluates to true. This is the boolean parenthesization problem. Which of the following methods can be used to solve the problem?


A : Dynamic programming

B : Recursion

C : Brute force

D : Dynamic programming, Recursion and Brute force

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Which of the following gives the total number of ways of parenthesizing an expression with n + 1 terms?


A : n factorial

B : n square

C : n cube

D : nth catalan number

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What is the maximum number of ways in which a boolean expression with n + 1 terms can be parenthesized, such that the output is true?


A : nth catalan number

B : n factorial

C : n cube

D : n square

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