Data Structure Binary Trees Linked Lists Online Exam Quiz

Data Structure Binary Trees Linked Lists GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Data Structure Binary Trees Linked Lists. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Data Structure Binary Trees Linked Lists

Level order traversal of a tree is formed with the help of


A : breadth first search

B : depth first search

C : dijkstra’s algorithm

D : prims algorithm

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Advantages of linked list representation of binary trees over arrays?


A : dynamic size

B : ease of insertion/deletion

C : ease in randomly accessing a node

D : both dynamic size and ease in insertion/deletion

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What may be the psuedo code for finding the size of a tree?


A : find_size(root_node–>left_node) + 1 + find_size(root_node–>right_node)

B : find_size(root_node–>left_node) + find_size(root_node–>right_node)

C : find_size(root_node–>right_node) – 1

D : find_size(root_node–>left_node + 1

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Which of the following traversing algorithm is not used to traverse in a tree?


A : Post order

B : Pre order

C : Post order

D : Randomized

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Disadvantages of linked list representation of binary trees over arrays?


A : Randomly accessing is not possible

B : Extra memory for a pointer is needed with every element in the list

C : Difficulty in deletion

D : Random access is not possible and extra memory with every element

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Identify the reason which doesn’t play a key role to use threaded binary trees?


A : The storage required by stack and queue is more

B : The pointers in most of nodes of a binary tree are NULL

C : It is Difficult to find a successor node

D : They occupy less size

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