Dairy Engineering Milk Marketing Online Exam Quiz

Dairy Engineering Milk Marketing GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Dairy Engineering Milk Marketing. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Dairy Engineering Milk Marketing

The tanker of milk must be checked for which of the following before it can be unloaded at a milk plant?


A : Antibiotics

B : Lactose

C : Fat


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Milk from cows being treated with antibiotics should be withheld from the supply because:


A : Antibiotics curdle the milk

B : People are sensitive to antibiotics

C : They create high bacteria counts

D : They prevent proper cooling

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Specific milk will not be rejected by the plant if the milk fails to meet requirements for which of the following?


A : Color and appearance

B : Sediment

C : Tests positive for drug residue

D : Acceptable pH

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A dairy farmer who delivers “Grade A “or “bottling quality “milk to the processing plant is known as the __________


A : Handler

B : Producer

C : Order taker

D : Consumer

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Major deductions on a dairy farmer’s milk check does not include:


A : Hauling

B : Federal advertisement/promotion

C : Cooperative/marketing fees

D : Seasonal loss

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Every month, regulated handlers file a report of milk receipts and utilization with the order market administrator. This information is used to determine:


A : Maximum price paid to processors

B : Minimum price paid to producers

C : Minimum price paid to processors

D : No price paid

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________ is not a form of differentiation milk sellers use to separate themselves from competitors.


A : Physical product differentiation

B : Container differentiation

C : Advertising

D : Production

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What is not the justification for government involvement in the marketing of milk?


A : Price and Income support for Dairy farmers

B : Reduce price and income flexibility

C : Improve market power of farmers

D : To reduce the consumption

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What is the purpose of a “milk check-off”?


A : To increase the milk price support

B : Determine if milk contains antibiotics

C : To pay for the generic advertising and research

D : To prevent spoilage

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Prices are based on which of the following in component pricing system?


A : Uniform skim milk price and uniform butter price

B : Value of butterfat, protein, and other solids

C : Total solids content

D : Total moisture content

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