Cytogenetics Incomplete Dominance Codominance Online Exam Quiz

Cytogenetics Incomplete Dominance Codominance GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Cytogenetics Incomplete Dominance Codominance. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Cytogenetics Incomplete Dominance Codominance

A pink snapdragon is crossed to a white snapdragon. What is the probability of getting a red snap dragon?


A : 1

B : 1/2

C : 1/4

D : None

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What are the odds in favor that cross between a black and an Andalusian fowl will give 4 Andalusian fowls?


A : 1/2

B : 1/4

C : 1/8

D : 1/16

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A white and a black chicken give an egg. What is the probability of the progeny born being Andalusian?


A : 1/6

B : 1/4

C : 1/2

D : 1

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If you cross two roan cows, what percentage of the progeny would you expect to be roan?


A : 10%

B : 25%

C : 50%

D : 75%

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Among the progenies born from the mating of a white and an Andalusian fowl there are 5 white chickens. What is the expected total number of progeny?


A : 5

B : 10

C : 15

D : 25

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Choose the wrong one out.


A : Codominant genes are never haplosufficient

B : Dominant phenotype is expressed when a gene is haplosufficient

C : Incomplele dominance is the presence of haplosufficiency

D : In homozygous condition an allele can express its phenotype be it the dominant or recessive allele in nature

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In case of incomplete dominance monohybrid F1 ________________ is 1:2:1.


A : Genotype

B : Phenotype

C : Bothe genotype and phenotype

D : The ratio is wrong

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If a person has M blood group which of the following is wrong?


A : He is a homozygote

B : His blood reacts to anti M antibody

C : His child’s blood would react to anti M antibody

D : His child will always have M blood type

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In incomplete dominance__________________


A : Phenotype of both allele is expressed

B : Phenotype of only one allele is expressed

C : Phenotype of neither of the alleles are expressed

D : Phenotype of both allele is partially expressed

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In case of codominance product is ___________________


A : Produced from both the alleles

B : Produced from one allele

C : Incompletely produced from both alleles

D : None are functional

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