Cyber Security Types Cyber Attacks Online Exam Quiz

Cyber Security Types Cyber Attacks GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Cyber Security Types Cyber Attacks. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Cyber Security Types Cyber Attacks

Who deploy Malwares to a system or network?


A : Criminal organizations, Black hat hackers, malware developers, cyber-terrorists

B : Criminal organizations, White hat hackers, malware developers, cyber-terrorists

C : Criminal organizations, Black hat hackers, software developers, cyber-terrorists

D : Criminal organizations, gray hat hackers, Malware developers, Penetration testers

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An attempt to harm, damage or cause threat to a system or network is broadly termed as ______


A : Cyber-crime

B : Cyber Attack

C : System hijacking

D : Digital crime

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___________ is a violent act done using the Internet, which either threatens any technology user or leads to loss of life or otherwise harms anyone in order to accomplish political gain.


A : Cyber-warfare

B : Cyber campaign

C : Cyber-terrorism

D : Cyber attack

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When there is an excessive amount of data flow, which the system cannot handle, _____ attack takes place.


A : Database crash attack

B : DoS (Denial of Service) attack

C : Data overflow Attack

D : Buffer Overflow attack

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Which of them is not a wireless attack?


A : Eavesdropping

B : MAC Spoofing

C : Wireless Hijacking

D : Phishing

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XSS is abbreviated as __________


A : Extreme Secure Scripting

B : Cross Site Security

C : X Site Scripting

D : Cross Site Scripting

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_____________ is a code injecting method used for attacking the database of a system / website.


A : HTML injection

B : SQL Injection

C : Malicious code injection

D : XML Injection

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Which method of hacking will record all your keystrokes?


A : Keyhijacking

B : Keyjacking

C : Keylogging

D : Keyboard monitoring

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_________ are the special type of programs used for recording and tracking user’s keystroke.


A : Keylogger

B : Trojans

C : Virus

D : Worms

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The full form of Malware is ________


A : Malfunctioned Software

B : Multipurpose Software

C : Malicious Software

D : Malfunctioning of Security

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