Css Test Online Exam Quiz

Css Test GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Css Test. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Css Test

Which of the following property defines the style for the right border of an element?


A : border-left

B : border-right

C : border-right-style

D : border-style

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Which of the following property defines whether table cell borders are connected or separate?


A : border-style

B : border-collapse

C : border-color

D : border-bottom-width

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Which of the following property defines the visual style of up to four different sides of a border?


A : border-width

B : border-top

C : border

D : border-style

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Which of the following property sets the coordinates of the clipping shape that exposes or hides the content of absolutely positioned elements?


A : clip

B : clamp

C : clip-wekit

D : clamp-webkit

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Which of the following property specifies an element’s display type and can override an element’s defined presentation?


A : content

B : display

C : visibility

D : none of the mentioned

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Which of the following property sets in a shorthand form any or all background properties?


A : font

B : background

C : background-color

D : background-position

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Which of the following property is used to control the text direction, much like the dir attribute for (X)HTML tags?


A : left

B : right

C : direction

D : direct

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Which of the following property determines how the cursor displays when passed over the affected element?


A : mouse

B : cursor

C : click

D : focus

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Which of the following property generates content in a document and is used with the :before and :after pseudo-elements?


A : text

B : content

C : contents

D : none of the mentioned

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