Cryptography Cryptography Overview Iii Online Exam Quiz

Cryptography Cryptography Overview Iii GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Cryptography Cryptography Overview Iii. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Cryptography Cryptography Overview Iii

The Inverse S-box value for byte stored in cell (D,2)


A : 0x5F

B : 0x2D

C : 0x7F

D : 0x5D

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The GCD of x5+ x4+ x3– x2 – x + 1 and x3 + x2+ x + 1 over GF(3) is


A : 1

B : x

C : x + 1

D : x2 + 1

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How many rounds does the AES-192 perform?


A : 10

B : 12

C : 14

D : 16

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The number of rounds in RC5 can range from 0 to _____________


A : 127

B : 63

C : 255

D : 31

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Division of (131B6C3) base 16 by (lA2F) base 16 yeilds


A : 1AD



D : 9AD

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How many keys are used in the ANSI X9.17 PRNG?


A : 3

B : 2

C : 4

D : 6

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Maurer’s Universal Statistical Test is


A : a test to determine whether the number of runs of ones and zeros of various lengths is as expecte

B : a test to detect if a sequence can be significantly compressed without loss of information

C : a test to determine whether the number of ones and zeros in a sequence is approx the same as in a truely random o/p

D : a test for the check of evenness in the 1s and 0s

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On Encrypting “thepepsiisintherefrigerator” using Vignere Cipher System using the keyword “HUMOR” we get cipher text


A : abqdnwewuwjphfvrrtrfznsdokvl

B : abqdvmwuwjphfvvyyrfznydokvl

C : tbqyrvmwuwjphfvvyyrfznydokvl

D : baiuvmwuwjphfoeiyrfznydokvl

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RC5 uses 2 magic constants to define their subkeys. These are


A : Base of natural Logarithm and Golden ratio

B : Base of natural Logarithm and Pi

C : Golden Ratio and Pi

D : Pi and Golden Ration

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Multiply the polynomials P1 = (x5 + x2 + x) by P2 = (x7 + x4 + x3 + x2 + x) in GF(28) with irreducible polynomial (x8 + x4 + x3 + x + 1). The result is


A : x4+ x3+ x+1

B : x5+ x3+ x2+x+1

C : x5+ x4+ x3+x+1

D : x5+ x3+ x2+x

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