Cplusplus Programming Seq Con Array Class 1 Online Exam Quiz

Cplusplus Programming Seq Con Array Class 1 GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Cplusplus Programming Seq Con Array Class 1. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Cplusplus Programming Seq Con Array Class 1

What header file is included to use array classes?


A : <array>

B : <Array>

C : <algorithm>


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Which header file is required to use get() function?


A : <array>

B : <tuple>

C : <Array>

D : <access>

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How many different ways are there to access an element of array classes at the ith position?


A : 1

B : 2

C : 3

D : 4

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What is the syntax of printing the first element of an array Arr using get() function?


A : Arr.get(0)

B : get<0>(Arr)

C : Arr.get[0]

D : get<0>[Arr]

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What is the correct syntax of declaring an array class?


A : array<type> arr;

B : array<type,size> arr;

C : Array<type> arr;

D : Array<type,size> arr;

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Which of the follwoing function(s) of Array classes are similar to [] operator?


A : at()

B : get()

C : both at() and get()

D : front()

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What is the difference between get() and at()?


A : at() is available under <array> header file whereas get() is available under <tuple> header file

B : at() is a member function of array class whereas get() is not

C : get() takes array class as a parameter whereas at() takes a constant integer(i.e. index) as a parameter

D : all of the mentioned

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What is sequence container arrays?


A : C-like arrays

B : Template class sequence container, alternative for C-like arrays

C : Collection of data of the same type

D : Collection of objects

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Which function is used to access the last element of an array class?


A : end()

B : start()

C : back()

D : last()

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Which function is used to access the first element of an array class?


A : front()

B : start()

C : back()

D : first()

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