Control Systems Bode Plots Online Exam Quiz

Control Systems Bode Plots GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Control Systems Bode Plots. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Control Systems Bode Plots

All the constant N-circles in G planes cross the real axis at the fixed points. Which are these points?


A : -1 and origin

B : Origin and +1

C : -0.5 and 0.5

D : -1 and +1

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The critical value of gain for a system is 40 and gain margin is 6dB. The system is operating at a gain of:


A : 20

B : 40

C : 80

D : 120

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In a bode magnitude plot, which one of the following slopes would be exhibited at high frequencies by a 4th order all-pole system?


A : -80dB/decade

B : -40 dB/decade

C : 40 dB/decade

D : 80 dB/decade

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A system has poles at 0.01 Hz, 1 Hz and 80Hz, zeroes at 5Hz, 100Hz and 200Hz. The approximate phase of the system response at 20 Hz is :


A : -90°

B : 0°

C : 90°

D : -180°

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Nichol’s chart is useful for the detailed study and analysis of:


A : Closed loop frequency response

B : Open loop frequency response

C : Close loop and open loop frequency responses

D : open loop and Close loop frequency responses

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Which one of the following statements is correct? Nichol’s chart is useful for the detailed study analysis of:


A : Closed loop frequency response

B : Open loop frequency response

C : Close loop and open loop frequency responses

D : None of the above

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The roots of the characteristic equation of the second order system in which real and imaginary part represents the :


A : Damped frequency and damping

B : Damping and damped frequency

C : Natural frequency and damping ratio

D : Damping ratio and natural frequency

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OLTF contains one zero in right half of s-plane then


A : Open loop system is unstable

B : Close loop system is unstable

C : Close loop system is unstable for higher gain

D : Close loop system is stable

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Frequency range of bode magnitude and phases are decided by :


A : The lowest and higher important frequencies of dominant factors of the OLTF

B : The lowest and highest important frequencies of all the factors of the open loop transfer function

C : Resonant frequencies of the second factors

D : None of the above

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