Computer Graphics Entrance Exams Online Exam Quiz

Computer Graphics Entrance Exams GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Computer Graphics Entrance Exams. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Computer Graphics Entrance Exams

How many edges of the clipping are/is present in 2D?


A : 1

B : 2

C : 3

D : 4

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How many polygons are used in this method?


A : 4

B : 3

C : 2

D : 1

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In a convex polygon, each of the interior angles is less than ____degrees.


A : 90

B : 180

C : 360

D : 45

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One of the drawbacks of Sutherland- Hodgeman algorithm is that it can’t produce ____________ areas.


A : connected

B : multiple

C : discrete

D : circular

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If we used Left->Right->Up->Bottom, the final output will be the vertex list outputted by the ___________ edge.


A : left edge

B : right edge

C : top edge

D : bottom edge

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Sutherland-Hodgeman clipping is an example of_________________ algorithm.


A : line clipping

B : polygon clipping

C : text clipping

D : curve clipping

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Only vertices from the subject polygon that are on the _______________ are selected.


A : lower half

B : boundary

C : opaque side

D : visible side

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We can correctly clip a polygon by processing the polygon boundary as a whole against each ___________


A : side wall

B : top edge

C : window edge

D : bottom edge

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If the subject polygon is concave at vertices outside the clipping polygon, the new polygon may have coincident edges.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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The process is repeated iteratively for each clip polygon side, using the output list from one stage as the input list for the next.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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