Compilers Regular Expression 2 Online Exam Quiz

Compilers Regular Expression 2 GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Compilers Regular Expression 2. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Compilers Regular Expression 2

The regular expression have all strings of 0?s and 1?s with no two consecutive 0?s is?


A : (0+1)

B : (0+1)*

C : (0+?) (1+10)*

D : (0+1)* 011

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The RE in which any number of 0?s is followed by any number of 1?s followed by any number of 2?s is?


A : (0+1+2)*

B : 0*1*2*

C : 0* + 1 + 2

D : (0+1)*2*

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The regular expression with all strings of 0?s and 1?s with at least two consecutive 0?s is?


A : 1 + (10)*

B : (0+1)*00(0+1)*

C : (0+1)*011

D : 0*1*2*

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Which of the following is NOT the set of regular expression R = (ab + abb)* bbab?


A : ababbbbab

B : abbbab

C : ababbabbbab

D : abababab

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The production of the form no terminal ? ? is said to be null production.


A : False

B : True

C :

D :

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Consider the production of the grammar S->AA A->aa A->bb Describe the language specified by the production grammar.


A : L = {aaaa,aabb,bbaa,bbbb}

B : L = {abab,abaa,aaab,baaa}

C : L = {aaab,baba,bbaa,bbbb}

D : L = {aaaa,abab,bbaa,aaab}

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If R is regular language and Q is any language (regular/ non regular), then Pref (Q in R) is _____________


A : Non-regular

B : Equal

C : Infinite

D : Regular

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