Compilers Online Quiz Online Exam Quiz

Compilers Online Quiz GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Compilers Online Quiz. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Compilers Online Quiz

( Z,* ) be a structure, and * is defined by n * m =maximum (n, m) Which of the following statements is true for ( Z, * )?


A : ( Z,* ) is a monoid

B : ( Z,* ) is an algebraic group

C : ( Z,* ) is a group

D : None of the mentioned

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The address code involves _____________


A : Exactly 3 address

B : At most Three address

C : No unary operators

D : None of the mentioned

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In operator precedence parsing whose precedence relations are defined _________


A : For all pair of non-terminals

B : For all pair of terminals

C : To delimit the handle

D : None of the mentioned

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LR parsers are attractive because _________


A : It can be constructed to recognize CFG corresponding to almost all programming constructs

B : It does not backtrack

C : It can be constructed to recognize CFG corresponding to almost all programming constructs & It does not backtrack

D : None of the mentioned

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An intermediate code form is ___________


A : Postfix Notation

B : Syntax Trees

C : Three address code

D : All of the mentioned

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Which is the most powerful parser?




C : Canonical LR

D : Operator Precedence

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