Closest Pair Problem Multiple Choice Mcqs Online Exam Quiz

Closest Pair Problem Multiple Choice Mcqs GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Closest Pair Problem Multiple Choice Mcqs. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Closest Pair Problem Multiple Choice Mcqs

Which of the following strategies does the following diagram depict?


A : Brute force

B : Divide and conquer

C : Exhaustive search

D : Branch and bound

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Which approach is based on computing the distance between each pair of distinct points and finding a pair with the smallest distance?


A : Brute force

B : Exhaustive search

C : Divide and conquer

D : Branch and bound

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Which of the following areas do closest pair problem arise?


A : computational geometry

B : graph colouring problems

C : numerical problems

D : string matching

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What is the basic operation of closest pair algorithm using brute force technique?


A : Euclidean distance

B : Radius

C : Area

D : Manhattan distance

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The most important condition for which closest pair is calculated for the points (pi, pj) is?


A : i>j

B : i!=j

C : i=j

D : i<j

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Which of the following is similar to Euclidean distance?


A : Manhattan distance

B : Pythagoras metric

C : Chebyshev distance

D : Heuristic distance

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What is the optimal time required for solving the closest pair problem using divide and conquer approach?


A : O(N)

B : O(log N)

C : O(N log N)

D : O(N2)

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In divide and conquer, the time is taken for merging the subproblems is?


A : O(N)

B : O(N log N)

C : O(N2)

D : O(log N)

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What is the runtime efficiency of using brute force technique for the closest pair problem?


A : O(N)

B : O(N log N)

C : O(N2)

D : O(N3 log N)

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Which of the points are closer to each other?


A : p1 and p11

B : p3 and p8

C : p2 and p3

D : p9 and p10

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