Chemistry Electrochemistry Batteries Online Exam Quiz

Chemistry Electrochemistry Batteries GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Chemistry Electrochemistry Batteries. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Chemistry Electrochemistry Batteries

What is the final oxidation state of manganese after the electrochemical reactions in a dry cell?


A : +4

B : +3

C : +2

D : +1

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Which of the following is the voltage output of a mercury cell?


A : 1.55V

B : 1.35V

C : 2.55V

D : 1V

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Which of the following is the electrolyte used in a dry cell?


A : Ammonium chloride

B : Manganese dioxide

C : Potassium hydroxide

D : Sulphuric acid

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Which of the following appliances would not use sodium hydroxide as an electrolyte in their mercury cells?


A : Calculators

B : Hearing aids

C : Electronic watches

D : Photographic cameras with a flash

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Which of the following scientists invented the first dry cell?


A : Carl Gassner

B : Nikola Tesla

C : Antione Lavoisier

D : Georges Leclanché

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What is the role of manganese dioxide in a dry cell?


A : It acts as an electrolyte

B : It acts as the cathode

C : It acts as an anode

D : It acts as a depolariser

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Why do leak proof dry cells have an iron or steel sheet covering the zinc cylinder?


A : It increases the potential difference between the anode and cathode

B : It acts as a barrier around the zinc cylinder which can develop holes during use

C : It makes it waterproof

D : It prevents the leakage of current

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Which of the following is not a requirement for a useful battery?


A : It should be light and compact

B : It should have a reasonable life span

C : It should ideally have a constant voltage throughout its lifespan

D : It should supply Alternating Current(AC)

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Which of the following products are formed when a lead storage battery is discharged?


A : SO2

B : Pb

C : PbO2

D : PbSO4

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Which of the following statements is true regarding a primary cell?


A : The electrode reactions can be reversed

B : It can be recharged

C : An example of a primary cell is a mercury cell

D : An example of a primary cell is a nickel-cadmium storage cell

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