Chemical Engineering Modeling Predicting Vapor Pressure Online Exam Quiz

Chemical Engineering Modeling Predicting Vapor Pressure GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Chemical Engineering Modeling Predicting Vapor Pressure. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Chemical Engineering Modeling Predicting Vapor Pressure

What is the pressure of a gas at T = 227oC, it is given that A = 5, B = 4 X 104 and C = 0 if T is in kelvin and p in mm Hg?


A : 0.024 mm Hg

B : 0.049 mm Hg

C : 0.075 mm Hg

D : 0.096 mm Hg

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What is the vapor pressure of ammonia at 305 K, if it is given that the vapor pressure of ammonia at 315 K is 5 mm Hg and at 325 K it is 6 mm Hg?


A : 1 mm Hg

B : 2 mm Hg

C : 3 mm Hg

D : 4 mm Hg

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A material’s mass is given by the equation, m = 32P0.02/T0.5, where T is in Kelvin, m is in Kg and P is in mm Hg, what is the mass of material at 127oC, use A = 10, B = 6 X 103 and C = 0?


A : 1.44 Kg

B : 1.69 Kg

C : 1.96 Kg

D : 2.25 Kg

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The vapor pressure of a compound in a liquid phase is given by ln p* = 21 – 2800/T, and in solid phase it is given by ln p* = 28 – 3500/T, what is the sublimation temperature of the compound?


A : 100 K

B : 120 K

C : 150 K

D : 200 K

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The vapor pressure of liquid benzene is given by ln p* = 15 – 1280/T, and that of vapor benzene is given by ln p* = 23 – 2560/T, what is the boiling point of benzene?


A : 160 K

B : 200 K

C : 240 K

D : 300 K

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The pressure of a compound at 200 K is 10 mm Hg and at 400 K it is 50 mm Hg, what is the pressure at T = 250 K?


A : 18.1 mm Hg

B : 24.2 mm Hg

C : 36.3 mm Hg

D : 48.4 mm Hg

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At triple point, vapor pressure of ice is given by ln p* = 18 – 2560/T, and vapor pressure of water is given by ln p* = 28 – 5120/T, what is the temperature at triple point?


A : 225 K

B : 256 K

C : 320 K

D : 400 K

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Pressure of a gas at 127oC is 10 mm Hg and the pressure at 527oC is 20 Pa, what is the value of B?


A : 225.1

B : 365.5

C : 499.2

D : 554.5

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For CaOCl2, the rate of evaporation is given by W = 325p0.5M/T1.5 g/liter, where T is in K, p in mm Hg, and M is molecular weight, if its pressure is given by ln p* = 25 – 2700/T, what is the evaporation rate at T = 150 K?


A : 256 g/liter

B : 499 g/liter

C : 571 g/liter

D : 744 g/liter

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What is the pressure of CO2 at 325 K, if it is given that pressure at 330 K is 6 Pa, and pressure at 320 K is 4 Pa?


A : 4.5 Pa

B : 5 Pa

C : 5.5 Pa

D : 6 Pa

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