Casting Solidification Large Casting Insulating Mould Online Exam Quiz

Casting Solidification Large Casting Insulating Mould GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Casting Solidification Large Casting Insulating Mould. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Casting Solidification Large Casting Insulating Mould

Which of the following metal-mould interfaces show the divergent nature of heat flow from the casting material?


A : Concave

B : Square plane

C : Rectangular plane

D : Convex

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Concave, convex and plane types of metal mould interfaces are mainly considered for the estimation of freezing time of metal.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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It is very necessary to use high refractoriness of mould material for the making of insulated mould.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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More divergence of heat flow from the interface shows consequently high solidification rate of the casting.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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The amount of heat removed from the castings is dependent on the amount of superheating in the casting.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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Chvorinov’s rule is commonly used for prediction of surface finish of the casting made in the mould.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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During the solidification of casting in an insulating mould, the heat transfer takes place from the upside of the moulding system which might cause defects in the castings.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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In solidification of large casting in an insulating mould, precise calculations are made for the analysis of freezing time of the complex contours of casting.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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The solidification of casting in an insulating mould produces casting of hard and brittle nature.


A : True

B : False

C :

D :

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Which of the following formulas is given by Chvorinov’s rule for the estimation of total solidification time (ts)?


A : ts = B/(V/A)n

B : ts = B*(A/V)n

C : ts = B*(V/A)n

D : ts = B/(A/V)n

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