Bioprocess Engineering Online Quiz Online Exam Quiz

Bioprocess Engineering Online Quiz GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Bioprocess Engineering Online Quiz. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Bioprocess Engineering Online Quiz

Which one is the correct interaction sign for Commensalism?


A : +/+

B : 0/0

C : +/0

D : 0/-

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Which one is the correct interaction sign for Amensalism?


A : +/+

B : 0/0

C : 0/+

D : 0/-

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Lichens are ____________


A : A fungal-Bacterial association

B : A fungal-yeast association

C : A Bacterial-yeast association

D : A fungal-algal association

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Which of the following is correct according to an exclusion principle?


A : Both the organism competing for the resource exist

B : The organism with slowest growth rate will displace the other

C : The organism with fastest growth rate will displace the other

D : Both organism will equally survive

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Which of the following is not an example of Mutualistic Symbiosis?


A : Fungal-algal symbiosis

B : Algae and the corals

C : Mushroom and fly

D : Racoon and poison ivy

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Competition is having in between two organism:


A : Negative effects on both

B : Positive effects on both

C : On one positive and on other negative

D : No one is either positively or negatively affected

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Which of the following defines the given statement – “Two organisms of different species exist in a relationship in which each individual benefits from the activity of the other”?


A : Neutralism

B : Mutualism

C : Commensalism

D : Amensalism

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Which of the following defines the given statement – “An association between two organisms in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm”?


A : Neutralism

B : Mutualism

C : Commensalism

D : Amensalism

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Which of the following defines the given statement – “Any relationship between organisms of different species in which one organism is inhibited or destroyed while the other organism remains unaffected”?


A : Neutralism

B : Mutualism

C : Commensalism

D : Amensalism

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Which of the following is an endosymbiotic in nature?


A : Nucleus

B : Vacuole

C : Chloroplast

D : Ribosome

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