Biomass Energy Biomass Conversion Technologies 1 Online Exam Quiz

Biomass Energy Biomass Conversion Technologies 1 GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Biomass Energy Biomass Conversion Technologies 1. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Biomass Energy Biomass Conversion Technologies 1

Which of the following technologies are used to convert biomass into useful energy forms?


A : Bio-chemical process

B : Galvanization

C : Doping

D : Photoelectric effect

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Which of the following best indicates the process of gasification?


A : Biomass ? carbon dioxide and water ? producer gas and charcoal ? carbon monoxide and hydrogen

B : Biomass ? carbon monoxide and hydrogen ? carbon dioxide and water ? producer gas and charcoal

C : Biomass ? producer gas and charcoal ? carbon dioxide and water ? carbon monoxide and hydrogen

D : Producer gas and charcoal ? carbon dioxide and water ? carbon monoxide and hydrogen ? biomass

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Which of the following is best suited for hydrothermal processing?


A : Forestry byproducts

B : Wheat

C : Corn

D : Sewage sludge

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What are the four main types of thermo-chemical processes?


A : Galvanization, photovoltaic effect, chemo-mechanical effect, pyrolysis

B : Pyrolysis, gasification, combustion, hydrothermal processing

C : Pyrolysis, gasification, combustion, doping

D : Photovoltaic effect, gasification, combustion, hydrothermal processing

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What is hydrothermal processing?


A : Heating aqueous slurries of biomass at high pressures to produce products of greater energy density

B : Heating aqueous slurries of biomass at high temperatures to produce products of lower energy density

C : Heating aqueous slurries of biomass at low pressures to produce products of greater energy density

D : Heating aqueous slurries of biomass at low temperatures to produce products of lower energy density

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Pyrolysis occurs in the presence of _______ oxygen.


A : large amounts of

B : absence of

C : extremely large amount of

D : low amounts of

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Catalytic liquefaction occurs at _________


A : low temperature, low pressure

B : high temperature, high pressure

C : low temperature, high pressure

D : high temperature, low pressure

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What are the two primary processes under bio-chemical conversion?


A : Photosynthesis and respiration

B : Photosynthesis and photovoltaic

C : Anaerobic digestion and fermentation

D : Anaerobic digestion and photosynthesis

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Which of the following is a product of pyrolysis of biomass?


A : Producer gas

B : Steel

C : Agricultural residue

D : Sodium

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What is anaerobic digestion?


A : Produces biogas by heating the biomass

B : Produces biogas using micro-organisms operating in anaerobic conditions

C : Produces biogas by subjecting the biomass to high pressures

D : Produces biogas using micro-organisms operating in aerobic conditions

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