Biology Reproductive Health Natural Birth Control Methods Online Exam Quiz

Biology Reproductive Health Natural Birth Control Methods GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Biology Reproductive Health Natural Birth Control Methods. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Biology Reproductive Health Natural Birth Control Methods

What is the principle of natural contraceptive methods?


A : Avoiding sperm and ovum to meet

B : Avoiding release of egg

C : Avoiding release of sperm

D : Abortion when pregnant

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What is the period 5 days prior, and post-ovulation called?


A : Fertile period

B : Infertile period

C : Abstinent period

D : Maternity period

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What is lactational amenorrhea?


A : Inability of female to lactate

B : Inability of female to conceive

C : Inability of male to conceive

D : Inability of female to menstruate

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Natural methods have ______ side-effects and have _____ rate of failure.


A : many, high

B : less, high

C : many, low

D : less, low

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Which of the following is not a natural contraceptive method?


A : Periodic abstinence

B : Condoms

C : Lactational amenorrhea

D : Coitus interruptus

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What is the absence of menstruation called?


A : Periodic abstinence

B : Lactational amenorrhea

C : Coitus interruptus

D : Coitus pluralis

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What is the scientific term for the withdrawal of penis from vagina before ejaculation?


A : Periodic abstinence

B : Lactational amenorrhea

C : Coitus interruptus

D : Coitus pluralis

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What method is used to prevent the ejaculated semen from entering the vagina during intercourse?


A : Periodic abstinence

B : Lactational amenorrhea

C : Coitus interruptus

D : Coitus pluralis

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What contraceptive method prevents coitus during the ovulation period?


A : Periodic abstinence

B : Permanent abstinence

C : Periodic absence

D : Permanent absence

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What is coitus interruptus?


A : Rejection of sperms by female

B : Rejection of egg my male

C : Withdrawal of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation

D : Withdrawal of the penis from the vagina after ejaculation

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