Biology Origin Evolution Man 4 Online Exam Quiz

Biology Origin Evolution Man 4 GK Quiz. Question and Answers related to Biology Origin Evolution Man 4. MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions with answers about Biology Origin Evolution Man 4

The cranial capacity of Homo habilis was _____ c.c.


A : 400-500

B : 900-1000

C : 650-800

D : 250-500

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Which is the correct statement among the following?


A : Cranial capacity was 500-800 c.c.

B : Origin and evolution were 1.5-2 million years ago

C : Chin was present

D : It was known as the unerect ape man

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Who discovered the fossil of Peking man from China?


A : Eugene Dubois

B : W.C. Pei

C : Dr. Leakey

D : Mayer

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Who was known as the direct ancestors of homo sapiens?


A : Homo erectus

B : Homo erectus

C : Ramapithecus

D : Dryopithecus

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What is the scientific name of Peking man?


A : Homo erectus pekinensis

B : Homo erectus erectus

C : Homo erectus pekuins

D : Homo erectus sapiens

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Who among Homo erectus used fire for hunting, protection, and cooking?


A : Java man

B : Cromagnon man

C : Peking man

D : Neanderthal man

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Which of the following does not belong to Homo erectus?


A : Java man

B : Peking man

C : Heidelberg man

D : Cromagnon man

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The figure shows the skull of which Homo erectus?


A : Peking man

B : Modern man

C : Peking man

D : Java man

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Which of the following is not among the characters of Homo habilis?


A : Their fossils were discovered by Dr. Leakey

B : They were found in 2 million years old rocks in Africa

C : Chin was absent

D : The dental formula was different from man

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The common name of Homo habilis was ______


A : tool maker

B : food maker

C : power man

D : fearful animal

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